
{DIY} chalkboard indoor herb garden

I recently made an indoor herb garden to brighten up our kitchen! It was really simple and it changes up the space so much. It's nice to see (and smell) some pretty green herbs that we have started to incorporate more into our cooking.

Supplies: terra cotta planters and bases, chalkboard paint, soil, herbs (or seeds), chalk, paintbrush

Start by transplanting the herbs (or planting the seeds) into the terra cotta planters. You can actually do this step first or last, depending on how much of the pot you want to paint.

Freehand the chalkboard paint on the planters in thin, even layers. Let the paint dry completely between coats (I painted about 3-4 coats per pot). I wasn't precise with the outline of the chalkboard label because I wanted a more natural/organic look. If you prefer something more structured, use painters tape to create a rectangular outline, then paint inside. Slowly peel away the tape once the paint is dry.

Then label your plants with chalk, and enjoy inside or out. Easy easy easy!